Friday, January 21, 2011

Make a Goldfish Bowl

You can make a fish bowl just like Goldfish's, 
and you don't even need any water!


  1. a jar (plastic jars are safer because they can't break, but glass jars will work too)
  2. small rocks, marbles, beads, . . . anything small that looks like aquarium gravel
  3. pipe cleaners  
  4. crayons or markers
  5. glue
  6. string or thread (about 3-5 inches long)
  7. tape
  8. pictures of Goldfish (right-click to print)

  1. Put the rocks in the jar. 
  2. Bend a green pipe cleaner into the shape of a plant and stick it in the jar. If it doesn't stand up in the rocks, use some tape to stick it to the bottom of the jar.
  3. Print out the pictures of Goldfish. Color the pictures and cut them out. 
  4. Glue the pictures together with one end of the string between them.
  5. Tape the other end of the string to the inside of the jar's lid.
  6. Put the lid on the jar. Ta-da!  You're done!
Goldfish is playing hide-and-seek.
More ideas to try
  1. Give Goldfish some friends! You can draw a fish, cut out pictures of fish from magazines (ask your parents first), or make an origami fish for your aquarium.  Why settle for fish?  You can also put in turtles, sea horses, mermaids, or whatever you can imagine.
  2. Make Goldfish shiny! Fish often have shiny scales. You can make shiny scales by gluing glitter or small pieces of aluminum foil on to the Goldfish pictures. (Remember - You should never glue anything on to a real goldfish!)

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