Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bookmaking with the Masked Pixie - Part 1: The Basic Book

This is the first post in a series of instructions about making books. Come back later for Part 2: The Bow Book.
Before we start, let's go over the parts of a book . . .
There are two more important words to know: author and illustrator.
The author is the person who writes the story.
The illustrator is the person who draws the pictures for the story.
Sometimes one person writes and draws and sometimes two or more people work on the book together.
You can make this book on your own or with someone else.

Let's get started . . .

How to Make a Basic Book
  • paper (white or lined for your pages)
  • construction paper, tagboard, or thin cardboard (old cereal boxes work well)
  • stapler
  • glue
  • ribbon or tape (masking tape or duct tape)
  • art supplies to illustrate your pages and cover


Make your pages
Write and draw your story on the white or lined paper. Do not write or draw anything too close to the left edge of the paper. Any words or pictures too close to the left edge will get covered up when you staple your book together.

Put your pages in order
It is helpful to number your pages on the top or bottom corner. Stack your pages in order neatly.

Make your book cover
If you want a soft cover book, you can use two pieces of construction paper for your covers. If you want a hard cover book, use two pieces of tagboard or cardboard. Put your pages between the front and back covers and staple 3 times along the left edge of your book. 
Finish your book cover
Cover the staples and the spine of the book with a strip of tape or glue on a piece of ribbon.
Decorate your cover and write your book's title and your name on the front.
Share your book
Your book is complete! Now go read it to someone!

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