Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bookmaking with the Masked Pixie - Part 3: The Accordion Book

This is the third post in a series of instructions about making books. Check out Part 1: The Basic Book and Part 2: The Bow Book. Come back later to see Part 4.

This book can squeeze and stretch like an accordion! One of the cool things about an accordion book is that you can stretch it out and see all the pages at the same time.
Your book will look a bit like this . . .
but with words and pictures.
This is a very old way of making books that has been used in parts of Mexico, South America, and Asia.
The Dresden Codex is an ancient Mayan text about astronomy.
It is about 1,000 years old!
How to Make an Accordion Book


  • paper
  • clear tape
  • construction paper
  • card stock or thin cardboard (old cereal boxes work well)
  • glue
  • art supplies to illustrate your pages and cover

Make your pages
Cut your paper in half lengthwise. You will end up with two pieces of paper that are 11 inches wide and 4.5 inches high.
Fold one piece of paper in half. 
Next, fold one edge of the paper to the middle fold. 
Then, fold the other edge of the paper to the middle fold. 
Now you have a short accordion book.
If you want a longer book, fold the second piece of paper like the first piece of paper, then tape the two pieces of paper together with clear tape.
You can add as many extra pages as you want. It's all up to you!
Write and illustrate your pages. You don't have to keep your picture on one page. You can draw a picture that stretches across two or more pages. It can even stretch across the whole book!
Make your book cover
If you want a soft cover book, cut two pieces of construction paper for your front and back covers. If you want a hard cover book, cut 2 pieces of cardboard for your front and back covers.
Glue the construction paper or cardboard pieces to the first and last pages of the book.

Finish your book cover
Decorate your cover and write your book's title and your name on the front.  

Share your book
Your book is complete! Now go read it to someone!

Extra options
Book Tie
If your book is very long, it might not stay closed. You can make a tie to keep your book shut.
Cut a piece of ribbon, yarn, or string. It needs to be long enough for you to wrap it around your book and tie a bow.
Glue the ribbon to the middle of the back cover.
Now when you need to keep your book shut you can tie it closed.

Mint Tin Book
This book makes a fresh little gift.

Make sure to clean the inside of the tin
or ants may invade your book!
Take an empty mint or candy tin.
Trace the tin on a piece of paper.
Cut and fold your paper.
Write and illustrate your book.
Glue the back of the book to the inside of the tin.
The lid of the tin is your book's cover. You can cover it in construction paper and decorate it. You can also leave the lid the way it is so people will think it's a regular tin of candy and your book will be a secret surprise inside.

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